RSE & PSHE (Jigsaw)
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In school, we have always taught PSHE (Personal, Social & Health Education). At Broughton Fields. this links perfectly with our values and, as you know, these are embedded throughout our school.
Recently, the Department for Education have changed the legislation and these changes relate to what we teach the children about Relationships, Sex and Health and when we teach it. Originally, these changes had to be implemented by September 2020. In light of current events, this has now been postponed until the summer of 2021 but, we would like to continue with our plan to implement at the start of the new school year.
To support our delivery of a PSHE curriculum which encompasses the new requirements regarding Relationships, Sex and Health Education we will be implementing a scheme called "Jigsaw." Jigsaw is widely used in schools across the UK, it is comprehensive and includes a wealth of quality resources. Lessons will take place once per week and will last up to an hour (depending on the age of the children).
More information will be added in the coming weeks but, in the meantime, feel free to browse the Jigsaw and DFE resources to find out a little more.