Spellings at Broughton Fields
Across Early Years and Key Stage One, phonics is taught as the main spelling strategy. Children are taught specific spelling patterns and the sounds they make based on half termly assessments on the children’s ability to read the sounds in isolation and within words. As their phonic knowledge increases, children are taught about how different spelling patterns (graphemes) can make individual sounds (phonemes) and will explore the relevant spelling rules. Children will have access to age appropriate sound charts, which identify different phonemes and the corresponding graphemes.
Throughout KS1 and KS2, children will also explore spelling rules, which have been identified in the National Curriculum. Children will undergo PiXL spelling assessments each term and the data collected will identify the spelling patterns that need to be taught. Children will focus on a particular pattern each week and complete a range of activities in order to explore and investigate the individual spelling patterns and any exceptions to the rules.
Each year group (EYFS – Year 6) has specific statutory spellings, which have been identified in the National Curriculum. The children will be given opportunities to explore these individual words and any relevant spelling rules and patterns associated with them.
Children’s spelling ability will be assessed through their writing, across the curriculum as well as the termly PiXL Spelling Assessments (Year 1 – Year 6). Teachers will identify age and ability appropriate spellings spelt incorrectly and children will be expected to respond to this feedback given.
Below are some useful documents to support your understanding of spelling and how it is taught at Broughton Fields Primary School.