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All staff were consulted when planning the curriculum in 2019 and the 5 areas that were identified as important to maximise the potential of the children in our community, and to overcome their barriers, were

  • Values Education
  • A knowledge rich and skills heavy curriculum
  • Aspiration
  • Learning beyond the classroom
  • Physical and mental healthy living

These 5 areas are discussed and reviewed in regular Raising Achievement Meetings to evaluate their impact and reinforce their importance throughout our curriculum.

When creating the curriculum coverage, we sought to weave these aspects into our coverage and continue to do so when planning teaching. As well as full coverage of the National Curriculum, this year, we have reduced the time demands of our National Curriculum subjects a little in order to enrich the children’s experiences and learning beyond the National Curriculum. These have included Forest School, Life Skills, additional physical activities and ‘special days’ specifically planned to widen the children’s experience of the world and enrich their cultural capital. Whereas before we involved the children in events such as Remembrance Day, Children In Need and Diwali Day at a basic level, we now have a suite of 19 events that are planned progressively across school to match the children’s age and stage and immerse them fully in new knowledge and skills.

The Long Term Curriculum map shows our plan for teaching across the whole school. Reading, Writing and Maths are not included here as much more detail of these key areas can be found in their individual pages.

In each of the Curriulum subject pages, you will find the Curriculum Intent for that subject and detail showing coverage of teaching across the whole school.

More information about  the Early Years Foundation Stage (Reception) coverage can be found on their own page.

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