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Reading Home Support

Reading with and to your child is one of the most powerful and effective ways in which you can improve their academic success and improve their future life chances. Endless research proves that a child who is confident and immersed in reading is more likely to succeed in almost every aspect of their future.

What a gift to give to your child!

And the great news? It's free, and it doesn't take too long. Simply 10 minutes each day (the time it takes to drink a coffee or scroll through your Facebook feeds) is enough to make a massive positive difference to your child. It can be ANY reading - novels, simple stories, recipes, comics, non fiction books, magazines...the list is endless. So, find somethign that your child is interested in, and then read about it with them. It means that you get to spend some quality time with your child, and you make a huge investment into their future - it's a win win!

To help you, here are some videos that give a snap shot of how we read with your child at school. Film 1 is a phonics lesson' that teaches them sounds and how to make these into simple words. The next two are videos of reading alongside your child. Film 2 is with a child who is not so confident, Film 3 with a child that is more confident.

Of course, we are ALWAYS here to help and advise you about reading. Please just come and ask.

Film 1 -

Film 2 -

Film 3 -


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